The Kenyan man of God, Pastor Tom Mugerwa of Mutundwe Christian Fellowship said this among other things in an interview with US-based Youtuber, Flavia Namulindwa.
“When your man comes home at 3 am in the morning, be humble, go outside and light the stove. Put on some milk for him and also warm his bathing water. If he’s too drunk to shower himself you should help him as well,” he said.
His counsel followed a question of why he places so much premium on the training of married women through seminars and conferences while paying less attention to men.
“Women by nature are submissive and flexible, they can easily take instructions, so if you are able to change them, it is easier for them to influence their husbands. Men, on the other hand, are too big-headed,” Pastor Mugerwa said in response to Namulindwa.
Out of surprise, the interviewer asked the man of God if he would give his daughters the same advice, and he answered in the affirmative, saying they are practising it and it is helping their marriages.
“I have married daughters and I have given this advice to them and they practice it.”
Pastor Mugerwa explained further that marriages are bound to fail unless one of the people involved humbles themselves, a trait he said women possess, which they must utilize.
“We as human beings do wrong to others and to God, but he’s always good to us. Evil cannot fix evil…if your man is evil and you decide to respond with evil, that will be a draw, and the marriage will fail,” he cautioned.
Many marriages have failed and many more are on the verge of collapsing for several reasons including needless clash of ego, lack of submission, infidelity and irresponsibility among other things.