There are people working who also need or want to go back to school.
One major reason why most people have not taken that step is because they fear they cannot balance a full-time job and part-time schooling.
Many people wonder how they can manage both aspects of their life so they are not stressed.
Here are some tips
• Create a support system
Working and schooling is not easy. It will never be easy.
But, you can make it less stressful on yourself if you build a support system.
This support system can include you one or more family members, your boss at work, a colleague to cover-up for you, a mentor amongst others.
Just remember that you cannot do this alone.
• Manage your time effectively
Time management is very important. Most of your colleagues are probably doing just one of the two activities you are combining.
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However, in both areas, the authorities will be expecting you to perform just like your other colleagues in one of the two areas.
If you do not manage your time wisely, you may succeed in just one of the two areas or at worse you will not excel in any.
Apportion your time properly so you can be efficient in both areas.
• Inform your boss
If you don’t own your own business, inform your manager before school begins.
Let your manager and other appropriate stakeholders have a copy of your timetable. This will help them recognise and possibly promote you after graduation.
Do not wait until the last minute to inform your boss. Let your manager know even during your application for a school.
• Make time for yourself
Intentionally set time aside for yourself to recharge your energy.
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You can have ‘family time’, go on a road trip and watch movies among others.
Just do anything that will make your recharge when you are stressed or tired.
• Bring school to work and work to school
Use work examples of projects for school assignments and implement school projects at your office when possible.
• Spend your money wisely
Remember you are doing two very important things at the same time. You need to manage your finances properly. This will help you pay your fees, and do other necessary things with little or no headache.