It's pretty amazing to see what wanders into the famous office of dermatologist Dr. Sandra Lee, M.D., aka Pimple Popper . Her patients bring in all shapes and sizes of whacky bumps, and you never know what the doc will pop out next.
In her latest Instagram video, Dr. Pimple Popper tackles a giant cyst that's bulging off of her patient's arm. She captions this pop: "When you see a cyst like this, all you can do is squeeze, squeeze, squeeze again! "
Dr. Pimple Popper takes her own advice and gets right to squeezing. With a cyst this big, she has to put all her muscle into it. "It's like a hard boiled egg," she says. More of the thick chunks come out with each squeeze. It still looks like there's no end in sight, only the end of the video unfortunately. Fans offered their favorite derm some help, "Need an a-cyst?"
Dr. Pimple Popper gives her patient a heads up as she works: "I'm just going to squeeze you. Gosh, this is like a hard boiled egg ." Not surprising, her patient is content to see the cyst go away. Dr. Pimple Popper says, "Oh she's enjoying it."
If the one video wasn't quite enough for you, Dr. Pimple Popper previously shared a few additional clips from this pop. (Yep, three times the fun folks.) One fan commented, "You finally hit the jackpot!" Take a look at the extended cut below.
The full pop couldn't be contained by one clip, and the Popaholics couldn't contain their excitement either.