It’s a sex offence to flunk your first time sex. Just like there are basic rules to follow in everyday lifestyle, the same applies to the act of sex.
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- First things first, take time to groom and clean yourself before meeting your partner.
- Make sure you have a contraceptive; preferably a condom.
- Unless you are expecting an important call, please turn off your phone to avoid killing the mood.
Read more: Christmas Vibes
- When it comes to sex, the location plays an important role. Choose a neutral place and somewhere very adventurous to exploit all the opportunities at your disposal.
- Talk to your partner for a brief moment before things get steamy.
- Ideally, ask your girl her preference before you enter the promised land.
Read more: Christmas Vibes
- It is normal to feel nervous if you are having sex for the first time. Embrace your nervousness and kick-start the act of love making.
- Sex is supposed to be fun. Don’t be afraid to laugh.
Read more: Love and Sex
- Get cosy with foreplay before the sexual intercourse. The woman must initiate whiles the man offers his support; get her primed and ready to go.
- Let her know when the big moment is coming before you ruin any chances of getting back with her.