These days it’s hard to tell people’s age by just looking at them or having a conversation with them. It’s important to ask people for their ages and never assume—even people you meet online and on dating apps.
What’s the most appropriate age gap for a sexual relationship?
The age gap equation help determine socially acceptable age differences in partners. It is calculated like this: half your age plus seven (40 = 20 + 7 = 27) to define the minimum age of a partner, and your age minus seven times two (40 = 33 * 2 = 60) to define the maximum age of a partner.
According to WikiHow, the generally accepted age difference in relationships is between five and seven years; anything above that will cause eyebrows to be raised.
When it comes to dating someone much older than you, it helps if you are both much older; for instance, a 35-year-old dating a 55-year-old won’t seem as bad as a 55-year-old dating a 20-year-old.
Research in Science Direct showed, "women prefer partners of their own age and level of involvement, while men prefer mates in their reproductive years (younger women) for short-term mating and sexual fantasies. Men, however, prefer mates who are sometimes above their maximum fertility age, even though they are younger than them."
ALSO READ: What's the best age to get married?
Is a sexual relationship with someone who’s just became legal appropriate?
The only person who should date an 18-year-old person is their peers.
The legal age varies depending on the country or city, but most countries have pegged 18 as the age of consent. That's basically a threshold; if one can’t get a driving license till 18, then it shows they aren’t mature yet. It is predatory to wait until a person clocks 18 to have a sexual relationship with them.
Focus on partners your age who can be true equals
Are you the person’s boss, teacher, pastor, or tutor? Do you already exercise some level of authority over the person? True consent comes from a place of genuine equality. If there's a power difference, especially age-related, consent can be clouded. It's best to avoid these types of relationships altogether.
Beyond the potential power imbalance inherent in large age gap relationships, questions arise about intellectual compatibility and possible ulterior motives. However, many believe that age is merely a number and love transcends such factors.