Hitting the gym is expensive these days, but there's a way around this financial stress. How? Well, simple: Get laid.
There's no better way to lose weight naturally than by performing the ultimate exercise: sex. And you'll be surprised how much you'll be saving too - because it is free.
Below are a few sex positions that can help you say bye-bye to all the excess pounds.
Scissors sex position is a difficult position to try but it ensures easy penetration and ideal for pregnant women. It is for when you're tired, not for being an acrobat in bed.
With your legs intercrossed with your partner's, there's limited movement for both the man and women, so a lot of inner-thigh strength and core stabilization will be at work. "When you squeeze your inner thighs, the core will naturally contract.
Read more: Sex and Love
With the lunge position, the woman has to sit on top of the man, with one leg planted in front of her and the other leg extended behind her in between the man's legs.
This move is good for the quad, front of the leg, hamstring, core, and butt, says Berman. Highly recommended for people sit at the desk all day and this way you can stretch it out.
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Standing sex position is very challenging positions for women because it requires more stamina if she is standing. Standing has several fitness benefits for different muscle groups.
If the lovers are facing each other, core and upper-leg strength come into play: if she's standing on one leg, those leg muscles are worked to keep her upright, and core muscles are engaged to keep her balanced. If she's wrapping both legs around her partner, she'll need good arm strength to hold onto her partner. And regardless which one of these contortions she's in.
Read more: Love and Sex
If the man and woman are facing the same direction, the same muscles engaged in doggy-style are used: she'll work her core for balance, and her arms can be worked if she's bracing herself against a wall or headboard and using them to help thrust.