The only thing you can do when someone doesn’t have requited love for you is either move on or try to show them a side of you that they may not see.
- Try a new look
Look good to boost your inner confidence. However, if you’re trying to win someone’s attention then you have to step up your game. Register at a nearby gym or jog every morning to fit into shape.
Shop body fitting outfits to flaunt your curves and try new hairstyles every month. Let your makeup and catwalk do the talking for you.
- Better yourself
Every guy wants to hang around a woman with good qualities such as kindness, generosity, and empathy to give them assurance that you would be a lovely wife, good mother and perfect team player aside your beauty.
- Try pulling away
Some people don’t recognize your worth until they lose you. Let him know that you are an independent woman and you can live without them.
When they notice that vacuum in their life after your absence, they will do anything in the world to win your love.
- Stop pretending to be someone else and be yourself
Don’t try to someone you aren’t just to win his heart. You can’t keep up with your fake lifestyle for long and he will be disappointed when he finds out the truth about you. Love is strange. If he truly loves you, he will adore you just the way you are.
READ ALSO: 6 ways to build self-confidence
- Take the friend role
As they always say, best friends make the perfect couple but don’t stay in the friend zone for long. Being friends gives you the opportunity to know them personally and get to know their family as well.
This will help you to decide whether you still want to move the relationship to the next level or not.