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8 Basic steps to finding love

Widen your network because the more friends you have of both sexes the more likely you are to meet that special man or woman.

1.     Get out there! Go where love is. You won’t find love in your kitchen and believe me, no matter how life is going, out is always better than staying home and watching TV alone.

2.     Don't worry about your looks! If you think love depends on looks you’re nuts. People are often far too worried about t their own looks to even notice yours. Make contact. Make an impact. With love, as with life, a friendly smile and a warm hello are far more important than that new top you just spent so much money on.

3.     Make more friends! Widen your network because the more friends you have of both sexes the more likely you are to meet that special man or woman.

4.     Make NEW friends. If your current friends haven’t yielded any good hook ups start fishing from a different pond. Join new groups and societies. Care about something, that's how you’ll put yourself in cupid’s way.

5.     Accept the disappointment of love! Another day another problem? No way! With Cupid each day is a new spin of the coin, another shot of the arrow. You’re in with as good a chance as the rest of us.

6.     Be you but be an active you! There’s no need to be a fake and a phony. There is a need to say ‘somewhere out there is a torn piece of paper, the other half of me’ and believe you’ll never slack in tracking that piece of paper down.

7.     Be bold! Even you can say “Would you like to come out for drinks on Friday?” Go for percentages on this one. One rebuff two acceptances and you’re ahead of the game. If you never ask you’re not even in the game.

8.     Remember that people – this is to make you smile- don't fall in love with film stars (Not every time anyway). They fall in love with remarkable people like you.

With love all you can do is be in Cupid’s target area. Practice is better than theory. You have to take a chance and leave the rest to fate or to little fatty cupid sitting up on some cloud with lots of time on his hands.

When Cupids arrow finally finds you, apply the knees test-they wobble, the heart test- it goes boom boom boom and the walking test-you float. If you pass all three tests, you’re there where you want to be. STAY!!

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