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Ladies, here are 5 ways to turn a stingy boyfriend around

No relationship thrives without sharing – and this goes beyond the things you can see and touch.
Ladies, here are 5 ways to turn a stingy boyfriend around
Ladies, here are 5 ways to turn a stingy boyfriend around

Let’s face it, dating a stingy boyfriend can be really annoying/ depressing especially when your man’s obviously loaded and you know it.

Research indicates that, to a large extent, the traits of stinginess and generosity are heredity. Additionally, it has been found that women have a greater tendency than men for empathy and care; hence, compared to men, women give more and are less likely to be stingy.

In a relationship marked by the stinginess of one partner, both partners suffer.

If you are in a relationship with a guy who has problems sharing, especially on the level of material things, you are not overreacting by feeling uncomfortable with such behaviour. Here are 5 ways to turn him around

  • Talk to him about it

This is the first base of all relationship issues. Sometimes people do some wrong things, not intending to hurt, but because they think it is the right thing to do. By refusing to say anything and pretending all is fine when it’s not, you are not giving him the chance to know how you feel about certain issues.

So whether it is his stinginess or something else, do not hesitate to talk to him about it first and give him the opportunity to turn a new leaf.

  • Make your own money

You don’t want to be that girl that does nothing to earn decent money and just expects her man to take care of her expenses. As a woman, making your own money to be able to afford things for yourself is very important. It is a mutual relationship, not a parasitic one.

  • Give him stuff

There’s also something to be said for ‘leading by example.’ In the present case, look for things he needs, the gifts he’ll find most useful, then give him as much of that as you can find.

One of the ways to teach people how to relate with you is to relate with them in that same manner. Do not be stingy or selfish like him. You have to lead by example. Giving him things will make him know that he needs to reciprocate once in a while.

Of course, it does not mean that they will get the clue and treat you like that, too, but it’s a step worth taking. Hopefully, your man gets the point.

  • Let him know you have needs

The guy may feel you don't have financial needs especially if you are a working-class lady.

Let him know that despite the fact that you are working you still need his support. And you being his girlfriend, you are depending on him to cater for some of these needs.

  • Make your lovemaking special anytime he gets you a gift

There's no better way to turns things around with your partner than under the sheet.

Give him a special lovemaking treat anytime he gets you a gift. Give him a head like never before or perhaps a good massage. If after everything he still remains stingy, then it's time to let him go.

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