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5 signs your current relationship will stand the test of time

5 signs your current relationship will stand the test of time
5 signs your current relationship will stand the test of time

Relationships are tricky things. Sometimes they are difficult to navigate. Sometimes you’ve been in one too long to realize it’s not right. Sometimes you get so comfortable with unhappiness that you forget what happiness looks like, or don’t feel like you can do better.

But when you’re in the right relationship, everything is different. It’s good to have clear signs that you’re in the right relationship so you are sure you could stand the test of time.

Pulse.com.gh brings 5 signs your current relationship will stand the test of time.

1.Much Respect

No relationship can stand the test of time if there’s no respect. If there’s no respect, you may find that your relationship will suffer. As long as you have respect for your partner in the way that you would want them to respect you, then things will work out.

2. You accept each other just the way you are

If he or she sees past your flaws and imperfections . Knowing that your partner accepts you for who you are and all of your flaws, and all of the things that you’re not proud of, means that your relationship is strong. Not only that, but when you accept your partner as well, you know that your relationship will easily last forever.

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3. You have shared goals

It is widely believed that successful marriage has shown that couples who have shared goals together stay together longer.While you don’t have to be exactly the same, it’s important that your values and morals are aligned, as these will shape the direction of your life together.

4. You can both admit it when you screw up

We are human beings and that means we make mistakes. It’s one thing to make the mistake but it’s another to admit you made the mistake and then attempt to fix it. Now, there’s a line as to how bad a screw up is before it’s too bit of a screw up. Getting irrationally angry at a small thing can be fixed but if your partner physically harms you, that’s something you probably shouldn’t forgive (and no one would blame you). Which brings us to our next one.

5.You can talk to them even when you doubt the relationship.

Ok, so you read this list and maybe agree with all of it, but one or two points are worrying you. No, it doesn't mean your relationship is doomed, because having some doubts is 110 percent more normal and healthy than jumping headfirst into commitment without any at all.

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