2) Intermittent Fasting Think of this as the opposite of a food coma. Fasting may help release specific brain chemicals that protect memory networks. Getty Images
3) Crossword Puzzles These can help you concentrate and recall wordswhich makes you better at these puzzles, not at remembering other things. Getty Images
4) Music Making Jamming means helpful focus. Singing may be even better. Spoken and sung words use different pathways; its like having backup cell-phone towers. Getty Images
5) Sleep Your brains like a librarian at night, archiving the days books. Without that, Dr. Doraiswamy says, you cant make sense of the library the next day. Getty Images
6) Sugar Glucose is your brains preferred fuel, so a dose of sugar may improve your memory immediately. But it gets fed just fine with healthier fare. Getty Images
7) Fish Oil Omega-3 fatty acids in fish help build gray matter and improve white-matter integrity. Whether that helps your memory? Not clear. Getty Images
8) Cocoa Memory improvement has been measured with 500 mg of cocoa extract in recent studies; its anti-inflammatory effect may be why. But it's only somewhat likely to be of real help. Getty Images
9) CBD The trendy weed-derived ingredient could have calming effects, but it likely wont help (or hurt) your memory. Getty Images
10) Gingko Biloba This extract might help prevent dementia in older folks, but theres no evidence that it improves a young persons memory. Getty Images
11) Ginseng Some claim this herb can boost your memory and energy, but studies have not proved either, and it could cause health problems. Getty Images