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The 10 Best Standing Air Conditioners To Get You Through Summer Hell

The 10 Best Standing Air Conditioners
The 10 Best Standing Air Conditioners

On those oppressively, exhaustingly, disgustingly hot days, we know the last thing you want to do is, well, anything. And if your landlord has cruel disallowed all window units for fear of pedestrian-squishing lawsuits, nothing is exactly what you'll be doing all summer. Thankfully there are some really cool standing options. Whether you're ready to invest in a fancy, smart A/C, or just need to cool down a small bedroom and sleep better at night, we've put together a starter list. You can still do nothing this summer. It just won't suck as much.

4. RolliCool310 Portable Air Conditioner

Connect this A/C unit to your Echo system as well as a mobile app and you'll easily be able to control the temperature in whichever room you decide to put it. If you're into that smart tech thing.

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