Stents have become common because, in some cases, they really are lifesaving. During most heart attacks, one of the coronary arteries becomes completely clogged and unable to deliver oxygen-rich blood to the heart. If the artery isnt promptly re-opened, the affected part of the heart degenerates into useless mush. Because stents are the most efficient and durable tools for re-opening arteries, theyre almost always the best treatment for heart attacks. In fact, the sooner a stent can be deployed, the better the outcome is likely to be. So the next time you develop crushing chest pain, dont waste any time calling for an ambulance.
Unfortunately, stents can also create problems. First, to prevent blood from sticking to a stent, youll need to take a daily aspirin for the rest of your life. Youll also need to take a second blood-thinning medicine for at least a few months. During this time, youll be more prone to bleeding. Alas, if you quit the medications too early, the stent can quickly clot and take down the entire artery again. And even if youre perfect with your pills, your body can slowly sabotage the stent by depositing multiple layers of cells on its inner surface which has the same effect as a hundred coats of paint on your bedroom walls. Over time, you could eventually need a second stent to prop open the first one.
Given the risks associated with stents, there are two common scenarios when you should think twice before letting a cardiologist permanently install one in your heart:
Say-No Scenario #1: Your heart attack was a while ago
A stent wont be helpful when youve already had a heart attack and didnt get prompt treatment. The coronary artery may still be blocked, but the heart muscle it supplies could already be dead. And theres no point restoring blood flow to dead muscle. Unfortunately, you cant just poke that part of the heart to see if its really dead, so doctors instead perform a special test called a viability scan. This scan distinguishes dead areas in the heart cells from ones that are simply hibernating and might spring back to life with more blood flow. If the scan is positive, a stent can be helpful. If its not, dont bother.
Say-No Scenario #2: Chronic chest pain
If your chest often aches during physical exertion, it may be because one of your coronary arteries is narrowed. As a result, part of the heart muscle isnt getting enough blood when its working hard, and it generates pain so youre forced to sit down and let your pulse drop back to normal. A stress test usually confirms the diagnosis.
Though it seems intuitive that opening the artery back up would relieve your pain, recent studies indicate that medications can provide equivalent relief and overall outcomes. The most effective ones are beta blockers, nitrates, and ranolazine. (You should also, of course, take steps to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. And if you smoke cigarettes, you should obviously quit.)
The exceptions
Of note, there are two exceptions when a stent may be a better choice for chronic chest pain. First, if your pain isnt controlled with pills, or you dont like the pills side effects, a stent is a good option. Second, if your pain is coming from severe blockages in high-risk locations like the left main artery, which nourishes more than half of your heart, or in all three coronary arteries you may need stents or even bypass surgery to lower your long-term risk of bad events, like heart attacks or death.
Like all medical treatments, stents have pros and cons. Theyve been hailed as miracle treatments and, at times, they really are. But theyre not the solution to every problem, and you owe it yourself (and your heart) to make sure you dont have a better alternative.