As a dietitian, this promise pops up every now and then with a new study touting the fat-loss benefits of hot peppers or with a new supplement marketing the belly-shrinking benefits of capsaicin.
The connection sort of makes sense: when you eat hot foods you sweat, which is also what happens when you exercise so maybe theres a similar effect occurring in your body?
Sort of. So that word, capsaicin, refers to a compound that gives spicy peppers their heat. (Its also what makes pepper spray so awesome or awful, depending on which side of the spray youre on.)
Research shows that consuming capsaicin, usually in concentrated pill form, can increase a persons metabolic rate. That said, the calories people burn from this increase often only amount to about 50 to 70 extra calories a day, and that that effect only occurred in people with a BMI of 25 or higher, according to a 2018 meta-analysis by Hungarian researchers.
To give you an idea, thats the caloric equivalent of a large bite of pizza .
Now some supplements will tell you that capsaicin can help you lose weight by activating your brown fat (the stuff that keeps you warm and burns calories) and improve your insulin control. And others still will tell you capsaicin may help reign in your appetite.
But heres the big picture: "Capsaicin isn't a therapy I recommend to my patients for weight loss, says Dr. Spencer Nadolsky, head physician at There may indeed be an effect, but it is too small to justify spending time and money and worrying about taking another pill.
And theres a downside to capsaicin supplementation. Too much can cause stomach cramps and ulcers, as well as general gastric irritation and a burning sensation. This happens when youre consuming spicy foods, but also when youre, ahem, removing spicy foods from your body if youre picking up what Im putting down.
All this said, theres nothing wrong with hot sauce. It contains very few calories for tons of flavor. If you tolerate the stuff, go ahead and smother your eggs in Cholula. Just dont expect that doing so will also make you look hot.