Swollen feet is a woe for many expectant women. According to babycenter.com, the swelling, or edema, is from an excess fluid that collects in your body tissues.
It's normal to have a certain amount of swelling during pregnancy, particularly in your ankles and feet, because you're retaining more water. Changes in your blood chemistry also move fluid into your tissue.
On a normal day, after sitting in the office for a long time, you look at your feet and it can’t literally fit into your shoes again.
Here’s how to treat swollen feet after a tiring day.
- Ingredients
- Method
Massage your swollen feet with ginger oil when massaging a few times daily.
You can also drink 2 to 3 cups of ginger tea or chew some raw ginger slices.
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- Ingredients
1. 1 teaspoon lemon juice
2. ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder
3. 1 teaspoon olive oil
4. 1 teaspoon milk
- Method
1. Mix the ingredients to get a paste-y liquid.
2. Apply it all over your swollen feet.
3. Leave it on for a couple of hours. This remedy is best used as an overnight solution for swollen feet.
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- Ingredients
- Method
1. Cut the cucumber into thin slices.
2. Place these slices on your feet and cover them with a loose bandage.
3. Remove the bandage after 20-30 minutes and see the difference.
You can also extract the juice of cucumber, add it to water and apply it to your feet to get similar results.
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Cabbage leaves
- Ingredients
White or green cabbage
- Method
1. Take cabbage leaves, wipe them clean, but do not wash them. You may experience more relief if the leaves have been cooled in the fridge (but not frozen).
2. Place them on your swollen feet or tie them there with a loose bandage.
3. Remove the leaves after 30 minutes.