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10 things you can do to inspire your man for success


All men want to be successful, and if your man happens to turn around and tell you that he doesn’t want to be successful, he’s either lying to you or he’s seriously lacking in ambition. We’re not so sure which is worse!

There are many areas of life we want success in. Some want more success in the workplace, others want more success in their relationships. Some guys want to be more successful with their finances, while others want greater success in the gym.

Often, our man will tell us that he’s really tried hard to be successful but he seems to be doing something wrong. Either that, or they concede that they’re just not good enough. But the only thing that separates a successful man such as Steve Jobs from an unsuccessful man is that the successful man was inspired to take action.

If your man is a little down in the dumps at the moment because success seems to be so far away, let’s take a look at 10 things you can do to inspire him. Before you know it, he’ll be taking the bull by the horns.

    Dietitians will tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and psychologists will probably agree, too. How you start your morning is super important because it can have a bearing on the rest of your day. If you start it positively, the rest of your day will be positive. If, however, you get off on the wrong foot, you can bet that the rest of your day will be one long struggle.

    A great way to motivate and inspire your man in the morning is by making him a healthy and nutritional breakfast. Give him the right nutrients, and he’ll have the energy and positivity to charge through the day like a warrior.


      They say that behind every successful man is his wife. But if you’re not exactly doing the things that make him trust you, he is going to feel like this is a pretty unstable relationship.

      If a man is in a rocky relationship, he’s going to find it hard to focus on success. His mind will be solely focused on you. So it’s time that you cemented what you’ve got together by making sure you’ve got his back at all times. Whatever he dreams of doing, you’re going to be there every step of the way.

        It’s not always easy for a man to keep going throughout the day. There will be times when he’s just not feeling it. Maybe he wants a rest or just wants to go home. He just isn’t getting anything done. It’s not his day.

        So why not give him a pick-me-up by texting him in the afternoon? Your words of encouragement will lift him out of his malaise and remind him that he can do this. Tell him how great he is, how much you love him, and let him know what you’ve got planned for him tonight if he does well at work.

        Tell him you believe in him.

          It’s so easy for us women to complain about our partners, or worse still actually make fun of them in front of others. It’s just way too tempting. We like to yank their chains and have a bit of a giggle.

          Although this is totally harmless, it is not exactly inspiring him for success is it? Instead, what you need to start doing is empowering him by praising him in public.

          You could go for dinner with friends and point out what a good week your husband has had at work. Let the world know what an amazing job he’s doing. These words of encouragement will get your husband pumped up. They’ll remind him of his greatness, value and worth.

            Maybe he’s always had this grand idea of what he really wants to do in life. Executing it, though, means switching careers.

            Maybe you haven’t always been cool with this but you are now. Rather than wait for him to moan about his job again, tell him that you want him to take some time out to plan what he really wants to do in life.

              If he’s enthusiastically talking to you about his passions and all you can do is play with your hair, grunt and flick through the pages of your magazine, he’s going to be disheartened. He’s going to think his passions suck and that he’s doing stuff for nothing.

              Show an interest in his work, even if it doesn’t interest you. Ask questions, offer help and listen to him.

                Some guys are really good at being their own cheerleader. They figure that since nobody else is banging their drum, they’re going to go right ahead and bang it themselves.

                But perhaps your man is not like that. Perhaps he doesn’t even realise that he has any good qualities at all. Perhaps he’s waiting for his nearest and dearest to bang his drum. Perhaps he’s waiting fro YOU.

                Yup, it’s time to start letting him know how great he is. Tell him that he’s intelligent, charismatic, inspiring, awesome, vibrant and driven. Let him know what he’s good at. Apply for jobs with him, promote him online; do what needs to be done, gosh darn it!

                  Maybe your man is down in the dumps because he doesn’t thinks success is possible for an ordinary guy like him. If so, why not show him some examples of “ordinary” men who became successful? Tell him about Michael Jordan and Steve Jobs who grew up with an alcoholic father but was so determined to be a success that he went out there and got the life he wanted. Remind him that success is possible for anyone who wants it enough.

                    It’s hard for a man to feel inspired to succeed when he returns home night after night to a sombre household. Yes, you have both been working hard all week and perhaps you’re feeling exhausted. All you want to do is put your feet up, watch Netflix and fall asleep.

                    But this is not exactly an inspiring atmosphere that’s going to engineer success.

                    Playtime is super important. If you can laugh with your husband and have some fun with him, he’s going to feel energetic, enthusiastic and positive. Maybe you could go bowling together, catch a comedy show, or just generally act goofy.

                      No, it is not always the woman’s job to look after the house. But if you feel that a good clean-up operation can give your man the mental clarity needed to achieve success, put aside some time to sorting your house out. After all, an untidy house is often the first step towards depression.

                      Source: beautyandtips.com

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