Let us walk you through the pleasure of eating this crispy, juicy fried chicken: Youve got this glistening drumstick with a coating so full of crunchy ripples that it is hard to determine where to hold on.
You decide fingertips are best for maneuvering this chicken from the plate to your mouth. As you bring it closer you can smell the spices — garlic, onion, pepper, and even the smoky paprika. That first bite is a real stunner. That could be your story this festive season.
How to make Kokonte cake this ChristmasHow to make Kokonte cake this Christmas
In a large resealable plastic bag, combine 2-2/3 cups flour, garlic salt, paprika, 2-1/2 teaspoons pepper and poultry seasoning. In a shallow bowl, beat eggs and water; add salt and the remaining flour and pepper. Dip chicken in egg mixture, then places in the bag, a few pieces at a time. Seal bag and shake to coat.
In a deep-fat fryer, heat oil to 375°. Fry chicken, several pieces at a time, for 5-6 minutes on each side or until golden brown and juices run clear. Drain on paper towels.