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Vegetarian? Here's how to get all your essential protein

People who eat a vegetarian diet can still get all their essential amino acids by eating a wide variety of protein-rich vegetable foods.

We tend to think of meat when we think of protein and in fact protein from animal sources, such as meat and milk, is called complete, because it contains all nine of the essential amino acids.

Most vegetable protein is considered incomplete because it lacks one or more of the essential amino acids.

SPONSOREDHealthy Living Africa: Breakfast is the most important meal; don't skip it

This can be a concern for someone who doesn't eat meat or milk products.

But people who eat a vegetarian diet can still get all their essential amino acids by eating a wide variety of protein-rich vegetable foods.

SPONSORED:  Find out more about how Nestle is promoting healthy living in Africa here http://www.nestle-cwa.com/en/nhw/hla-english

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