Please note that these suggestions are subjective and not exhaustive
· English breakfast
Whoever your date is, I’m sure they have had enough of ordinary breakfast; hausa koko and koose, tea and bread, tombrown, etc. It will be fun to allow them the opportunity to try something different, something like a full English breakfast. There are a lot of nice places you can get English breakfast here in Ghana and at reasonable prices. Who said dates should only be scheduled for evening hours?
· Ice cream
Going to an ice cream place for just ice cream is not a bad idea and is budget friendly as well. And by ice cream I don’t mean the ones vendors roam about with please; those will just disappoint your date. Taking him or her to a nice place where you can sit and talk over ice cream might cause them to fall even more!
· Pizza and drinks
You may think pizza is too cheesy a choice, but trust me, it has saved more dates than can be counted. Good thing is, it is affordable and quite common. All you need is a good drink to complement it and you both are good to go.
· Chicken and Fries
Chicken and fries are also a good meal choice for a first date if you ask me. If your date remains unimpressed should you order this, then they might be used to it, which is also not a bad anyway.
· Chinese food
Chinese food is also a great choice for a first date since it will be nice to try something different. Also, even if your partner does not enjoy the date, he or she will enjoy the food.