These are 5 extraordinary uses for garlic:
The smell of garlic on someone’s breath may be a turnoff but it’s the opposite story for when it gets into your stomach. How is it an aphrodisiac? It aids circulation, pumping blood to all your organs which could cause an increase in men’s endurance in the bedroom.
Treat Athlete's foot
Commonly called foot root in our parts, an athlete’s foot can be easily cured with garlic. Soak your foot for about 30min in a warm bath and crushed garlic.
Mosquitoes repellent
Rub a bit of garlic on your skin or leave out some cloves in dark corners where mosquitoes flock.
Use as glue.
You can use garlic in place of glue for paper crafts. Garlic is a natural adhesive, just rub garlic juice on paper, porcelain or glass.
Garlic cloves are used as bait for catfish, carp, trout and bass. A ball of crackers and cat food mixture is coated with powdered garlic and used as bait to lure in fish.