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Stop using banana peels for masturbation – Doctors warn as guys claim it’s next “to a blowjob”

Did you know that some young people are resorting to the use of banana peels in place of a lubricant to masturbate? Well, they claim “It’s the closest thing to a blowjob.”
Stop using banana peels for masturbation – Doctors warn as guys claim it’s next “to a blowjob”
Stop using banana peels for masturbation – Doctors warn as guys claim it’s next “to a blowjob”

But regardless of how enjoyable it might be, doctors have warned against the practice, saying it might result in some serious complications.

The weird trend is the latest circulating on social media, with some users giving their testimonies about the enjoyability of using banana peels to ease their sexual urges.

“It’s the closest thing to a blowjob,” wrote one randy Redditor, who claims he’s been doing it for years.

“I have used the banana skin technique occasionally for many years (I’m now 78),” said one elderly banana skin supporter. 

“The bigger the banana the better,” added another.

But Dr Diana Gill of prescription service Doctor-4-U told The Sun that the practice could be dangerous to practitioners.

“You could develop a rash and sores on the penis which can be painful and might lead to infection,” Dr Gill said. 

Aside from developing rashes and sore on the penis, Dr Gill further warned that allergic reactions could also arise for some people.

“A person with a banana allergy is more likely to be allergic to other substances such as latex or other fruits and vegetables. So if you’re allergic to latex condoms you may also be allergic to banana skins,” she added.

Meanwhile, while some users of the banana peels have been giving good testimonies about it, others have had terrible experiences.

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Another Redditor narrated how he fell “in the mess I made”, claiming to have hit his “head on the toilet and barely lived to tell the tale.”

However, supporters of the organic orgasm inducer feel it’s too good to pass up. Subscribers to JackInWorld, the self-proclaimed “Ultimate Male Masturbation Resource,” gave the “banana man” 4.5 out of 5 stars with 359 votes cast so far, according to nypost.com.

The site also provides a tutorial on how to perform the act and even advised warming the peel for added effect.

The banana peel masturbation trend comes after recent news about women using electric toothbrushes to masturbate.

In November last year, gynaecologists warned that the practice “could cause trauma to the delicate vulval area.”

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