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“Coronavirus has proven that our stickers, oils and calendars are fake” - Prophet Oduro (video)

The head pastor of Alabaster International Ministries has said that the coronavirus pandemic has exposed fake pastors especially those who are known for selling miracle calendars, oils, stickers, bags claiming they have powers to perform miracles.
“Coronavirus has proven that our stickers, oils and calendars are fake” - Prophet Oduro (video)
“Coronavirus has proven that our stickers, oils and calendars are fake” - Prophet Oduro (video)

In a recent interview, prophet Kofi Oduro dared his fellow men of God to step up against the global pandemic if they indeed have the powers to perform miracles and healings.

He said if any of the miracle calendars, oils, stickers, bags and so on could make the coronavirus bow out, he would personally lead an advertisement campaign for them across the country.

Since the outbreak of the virus, many pastors who were previously known for espousing their ‘superpowers’ have gone silent, and some daredevil ones like T. B Joshua who sought to seek attention suffered severe credibility deficit.

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Prophet Oduro’s advise to Ghanaians and the world is that it is only God who can save them and no pastor has the power to do so.

Watch him in the video below as he mocks his colleague pastors:

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