As his London Film School graduation project, British/Ghanaian director Koby Adom tells a story about the relationship between Jennifer, a member of the African diaspora going to her motherland for the first time and Efua, a young domestic housemaid born and bred in Ghana with lesser fortunes. The film is now available online on:
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It also featured in a programme of shorts curated by Koby, as part of the BFI Black Star Season in London.
”I visited Ghana in 2015 for the first time in eighteen years. It took a lot of getting used to but I was in awe of the beautiful landscape. This led me to make the big decision to shoot my grad film in Ghana: to discuss the cultural differences between western civilisation and Africa and also to photograph the beautiful African scenery. I’m not the only one who has experienced this dual feeling so a lot of people will connect to this short film” – Koby Adom