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7 best moments from season 7, episode 4

Dany arrives Red Keep with her dragon, Drogon.
Dany arrives Red Keep with her dragon, Drogon.

The fourth episode of "Game of Thrones" season 7 was more about Danereys getting back at her enemies and Bronn of Blackwater saving the day.

Titled "The Spoils of War," Pulse Movies has put together seven moments from the episode which aired on Sunday, August 7, 2017.

Check them out;

1. Arya and Sansa's reunion

Unlike Sansa and Bran's reunion in episode three, Arya and Sansa’s long-awaited reunion in episode four succeeds at having the right effect.

The sisters who used to be rivals in season one, have a decent but emotional conversation, reflecting on their horrible journey so far.

Arya mentions her list and quest to kill Cersei, but just like the scene with Ed Sheeran in episode one, she laughs over it with Sansa, who obviously finds it unthinkable.

2. The Bran and Arya reunion

Unlike Sansa and Bran's cold reunion, Arya and Bran have a better reunion. At least, the later gives her the Valyrian steel dagger that Littlefinger had gifted him during their brief chat.

3. Between Littlefinger and Bran

Litttlefinger is still hovering around in the North, claiming to do something Catelyn Stark couldn't do; protect her kids.

In an attempt to forge a bond between himself and Bran, Littfinger gives Bran the Vayrian Steel dagger which was wielded by an assassin sent to kill Bran in season one.

During their conversation, Bran quotes Littlefinger's comment from season 3 episode 6.

"Chaos is a ladder,"  he says, apparently shocking Baelish and ending their conversation.

4. Jon Snow shows Dany cave paintings that prove the existence of the White Walkers

Before his men begin the dragonglass mining, Jon Snow decides to take Dany on a tour.

He shows her the mountain of dragonglass before showing her cave paintings that prove that the First Men and Children of Forest fought together to defeat a common enemy; The White Walkers.

Dany believes him and even agrees to fight for his people, if only he bends the knee.

“Isn’t their survival more important than your pride?” Daenerys asks Jon.

5. Arya and Brienne’s fight

Viewers are treated to a brawl between Arya Stark and Brienne of Tarth. With her dogged movies, Arya impresses Brienne and stuns Sansa and Littlefinger who are also watching.

When Brienne asked who taught her how to fight, she replies "no one."

6. Theon Greyjoy and Jon Snow reunion

The only reason why Theon Greyjoy is still alive is because of what he did for Sansa.

Theon returns to Dragonstone, hoping to ask Dany to save her sister from Euron Greyjoy. He meets an angry Jon Snow, who spare his life because of the role he played in Sansa's escape from Ramsay Bolton in season six.

7. Daenerys makes a grand return and Bronn saves the day

Daenerys has been on the losing end this season. She has lost several allies including Greyjoys, Tyrells and Sand Snakes.

In "The Spoils of War," Dany finds out that the Unsullied are stranded at Casterly Rock after Euron burned their ships.

She immediately takes off for Red Keep with the Dothrakis. She rides into the battle with Drogon spitting fire and owning the battle.

However, Bronn of Blackwater bravely finds a way to wield Qyburn’s new dragon-killing weapon, and takes aim at the dragon, shooting its right wing.

While Dany tries to pull out the sword, Jaime sees that as an opportunity to charge at her.

Thankfully, Bronn arrives right on time to push him into the river as the angry dragon unleashes fire.

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