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New exclusive movies and series on AMC

Get access to all the juicy gist on AMC Movie Talk on AMC Series – Mondays and Fridays at 20:30GMT/21:30WAT/22:30CAT on Startimes (CH 072), Startsat (CH 134), Azam (CH 252), Kwese (CH 145), Zuku (CH 226), and AMC Movies – Tuesdays and Thursdays at 20:30GMT/22:30CAT on Startimes (CH 018), Startsat (CH 185), Azam (CH 301), Kwese (CH 160), Zuku (CH 230).

African Movie Channel (AMC) is committed to offering you and your family splendid entertainment with unmissable drama Series from Monday to Friday, so start your week on Mondays with Two Sides of a Coin, Casino and AMC Movie Talk, get intrigued on Tuesdays with Family Forever, have emotional Wednesdays with Tears of Love, chill At Home with Joselyn on Thursdays, and have awesome Fridays with the hilarious Teju BabyFace Show.

Catch all these and much more on AMC SERIES on Startimes (CH 072), Startsat (CH 134), Azam (CH 252), Kwese (CH 145), Zuku (CH 226), every day from 18:00GMT/20:00CAT.

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