Charlotte Osei, who now hosts a show called ‘Thirsty Women’ on GHOne, hosted Cynthia Quarcoo on her show over the weekend and the insight she received from her guest was overwhelming.
She said, in an Instagram post today, that Cynthia Quarcoo is a ‘true picture of what grit, tenacity and resilience look like.’
Mrs Osei also described the founder of the law firm CQ Legal and the media firm Africa 1 Media as 'a daughter of the highest God who understands the power in submission and how to leave the pain and draw out the power and the purpose in the pain.’
“Dear @cynthiaquarcoo, you are the true picture of what grit, tenacity and resilience look like. A daughter of the most high God who understands the power in submission and how to leave the pain and draw out the power and the purpose in the pain,” she disclosed in an Instagram post.
“Thank you for sharing your story in such an authentic, truthful and empowering way. I’m truly grateful and I can’t wait to see what God does with you. And to all the ladies who joined us at the watering well yesterday evening and to my amazing team @thirstywoman_, God bless you all. May you be released from fear, anxiety, worry and everything that troubles you. Pick up your weapons of Worship & the Word and go conquer new territories. My love and blessings.”