Omah Lay wants no trouble. While performing recently in Berlin, the singer refused to bring a lady from the crowd to join him on stage.
A viral video shows the singer on stage glancing through the crowd, looking for a lady to dance with him for his hit song "Bend You." "I want to pick a girl from the crowd," he said.
Upon spotting a concert goer he asked her, "Are you with your boyfriend? I don't want trouble," after which screams erupted from the crowd.
"Maybe I should pick a boy instead," he added in between laughter. He then picked another lady from the crowd to dance with.
His comment comes in response to the massive controversy at his London concert in February 2024, after he danced on stage with a female fan. The fan became the subject of controversy after leaving her boyfriend's side to dance with Omah Lay.
After suffering tremendous backlash across social media, Jessiani, the fan spoke out to debunk what she said were false narratives about her.
She stated that contrary to public perception, her boyfriend encouraged her to go up on stage after Omah Lay called her. She also stressed that she was the one who bought the tickets for them both, not her man.