Harold featured in the advert with Naa who was his wife and according to the actor, he has been receiving congratulatory messages on his social media page from people who think they are married in real life.
“I always have to explain to my fans that Naa Ashorkor is not my wife. I understand where they are coming from because the Tigo advert came around the time Naa Ashorkor got married,” he told Graphic Showbiz.
Harold who has been in the movie scene for awhile now however explaining how he got into movies, said Naa Ashorkor who has been his long-time friend hooked him up to Sparrow Productions and he was glad to have qualified to feature in A Sting in a Tale after he auditioned for it.He said he is ready to go into full time acting so far as he gets good scripts and good actors to work with. He has already featured in top movies such as A Sting in a Tale, 4 Play Reloaded, Honour My Tears and Wedding Night.