The bodies of Bright Larbo, a 22-year-old Takoradi Polytechnic student and Nasiru Amoah, a 24- year-old welder have been washed ashore at the Albert Bosomtwe Sam Fishing Habour in Sekondi on Sunday morning.
Eyewitnesses say they saw the three persons drowning but with the help of some revelers, one of them, BB was rescued but all efforts to save the other two, Bright Larbo, who is the only son of his parents and Nasiru Amoah, one of four to his parents didn’t materialized.
The tragic incident was immediately reported to the police where search and rescue mission began with support from residents.
However, Bright and Nasiru could not be found until Sunday December 27, when their lifeless bodies were washed ashore at the same beach where they drowned.
Nasiru Amoah, a Muslim was buried hours after he washed ashore while the body of Bright, whose father died five years ago, has been deposited at the Effia Nkwanta Regional Hospital morgue.