Happy Holiday everyone! I know today is a special day for my Muslim brothers and sisters but it is a national holiday and people are going to make the most of it. After today is Thursday which means we go back to work. Yeah I know! it annoys me too.
For those of you who have plans to drink your heads off but are wondering how to quickly bounce back after a hangover, here are six effective ways to shake the hangover off and be in a good shape for work on Thursday.
There is really no official diagnosis for a hangover and I know people find their own ways to cope but these are some of the best ways to help you get over it.
Bananas are good to have when you are having symptoms of hangover. Bananas are easy on your stomach because of its blandness. Their high potassium content replaces what you lose when urinating and vomiting – two results of excessive drinking.
A lot of you know about coconut water and its magical abilities to cure hangovers. Considering it is one of the common fruits to find on the streets, it will be great to stuff some in your fridge if you plan to “dip and do” it this holiday. Like banana, coconut is high in potassium and a good way to rehydrate during a hangover. It is also very gentle on the stomach and it is one of the best options from the juice family.
Ginger also can help you the morning after a night out. It helps cure the nausea. Alcohol causes the stomach to produce excessive hydrochloric acid which causes a stomach upset or nauseating feeling. Ginger can be eaten fresh (very hot and spicy though) powdered or even juiced. It helps soothe the stomach and get rid of the nausea.
Smoothie made of greens can also be helpful. Blend apple, lemon, parsley, celery, spinach, mint and avocado. Don’t forget the ginger to which will help with the nausea. It is not only gentle on the stomach it will also lift your mood.
Drinking a lot of water can help. Water is not hard to get. It simply helps with rehydration during hangover. Remember to sip the water and instead of gulping it all down. This way you are able to retain the water in your system.
When your head hurts like hell after a night of fun and drinking. Just get a wet towel and place it on your head and rest.