Renowned artiste manager, Bulldog, known in real life as Lawrence Asiamah Hanson, has said he wasnt there when Stonebwoy fired a gun shot at Champs Bar.
Speaking in an interview on 'Showbiz Agenda' on Zylofon FM, the Artiste and Repertoire Manager of Zylofon Media told the show host, Sammy Flex that he was not around when the gun was shot at Champs Bar.
READ MORE: Stonebwoy is a selfish artiste – Kumi Guitar
Explaining further, he said, I was been pushed by some guys and Blakk Sidi breaking bottles and heating people with his hand, but between Sidi and I we don't have issues.
"I was also threatened by someone called Chief Abiola, saying he will kill me," he lamented adding that "my life is in danger.This morning when I woke up I had to look left right to check around."