Emmanuel Bobobee is an Associate Professor and Specialist Researcher in Mechanisation developing planting, harvesting, and post-harvest machinery and equipment for various categories of farmers.
He was the parliamentary candidate for the CPP at the North Tongu constituency in the 2008 elections.
He currently works at the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.
He researches Agricultural Mechanisation and the current projects are 'Mechanised cassava harvesting', Motorised Cassava Peeling, Development of a Centrifuge for Cassava Starch Extraction.
In a remark at his acclamation, he said Ghanaians are looking for a party that will take control and helps to revive the country.
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He said "We will take over in due time. So it is not a worry at all. If you talk to the people on the ground, you will see that they are hungry for the rejuvenation, the revival, the renaissance of the Conventions People’s Party, the party that has brought a lot of development."
"When you are talking about development, you are talking about the Aveyime Rice Project which has metamorphosed into the Quality Grain Project. And those were quality establishment put up during Kwame Nkrumah’s time. We had the Asutsuare sugar factory, and when you go upstream you will see the Akosombo Textiles Factory. These are all industrial establishments set up during Kwame Nkrumah's time," he stated.
Speaking on graduate unemployment in the country, Professor Bobobee said Ghana has the resources to create employment for the Ghanaian youth.
He stated: "We have the solution, we have the answers to all the problems and challenges facing this country and if the people of Ghana give us the mandate again, they will see the revival of Ghana."