Church tithing is the 10 percent of ones total income a Christian must pay to the church.
Some churches place emphasizes on tithing, others do not. In most churches, leaders preach vehemently stressing it is a sin not to pay the percentage due God.
According to them it is the only way God can increase your income and increase your blessings. Some usually quote the Bible, referencing Malachi 3:8-12 which talks about Christians robbing God if they do not pay their tithes.
However some Christians think otherwise. To them tithe paying shouldn’t be the basis for God to bless an individual.
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Some sections also say that they do not know where their tithes end up and so would rather give it out to orphans and widows.
Do you pay your tithe at church? Why do you do so? Or you don’t? Do you even believe in tithing at all?
PulseGhana was on the streets to find out if people do and their reasons.
Solomon Dzikunu an Adventist who worships with the Seventh Day Adventist Church told that, he believes that it is obligatory that every Christian pays tithe.
“Everyone who generates income should take out 10 percent of that to pay his or her tithe.”
According to him “the tithe is to take care of widows, non-working pastors and people working for the church, so it is obligatory for Christians to pay their tithe.”
Priscilla Slay, a student also added saying that “I personally believe in tithe because it has opened doors for me. I have experienced the blessings that come with it personally”.
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“My name is Betty and I don’t pay my tithe. I don’t pay because I do not understand it and I also don’t know the purpose it serves.” Betty a 28-year-old trader told Pulse.
Another woman Suzzy, a pawpaw seller disclosed to Pulse Ghana that, “I pay my tithe because it is necessary a Christian must pay tithe. I personally believe that is one of the ways God protects us as individuals.”
Gloria Mortey, a food vendor also pays her tithes and believes that tithing attracts blessings from God.
“Paying tithe is very good. It protects individually. By paying my tithe God has surprised me in so many ways.”
Efia Serwaa, a student says she doesn’t pay her tithe because she doesn’t have money to pay. “What I earn is very little and if I should take some out as tithe I will be very broke.”
Let us know if you pay your tithe not. Do you believe in it and why.