So how exactly does one react when one is being robbed? Is it good enough to challenge the robbers?
How people react to being held at gun point and robbed solely depends on their frame of mind at that very moment, but their actions or inactions could be life-changing.
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The best way to deal with with armed robberies is to prevent them. Understand that robbers commit crimes because they believe that the payoff outweighs any risks.
How exactly can you do that? Here are a few tips:
1. Robbers typically launch their attacks from the back door (normally kitchen doors) because they are usually not fortified. Get good doors for your kitchen. Use crossbars at the back or "burglarproof" behind the doors inside the house. If you have keys to the burglarproof, never leave them inside the lock. Where possible, use a padlock in addition to the keys. The purpose is to make it as difficult as possible for the robbers to enter into the house and to buy you time to call somebody for help.
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2. When you hear someone breaking your doors, unless you are absolutely sure your actions will prevent entry into the house, don't try to be a hero by pushing back behind the doors (they may shoot at you through the doors), or putting heavy items like freezers or furniture behind it (they get more angry and when they are able to finally enter they are more likely to be violent).
3. If you sleep without clothes or with minimal clothing, dress up as soon as you hear them. For the women especially, don't stay in your nighties or wrappers, wear trousers and an ugly top.
4. If you call someone on the phone for help, keep the phone far from you as you don't want it to be known that you've done so.
5. Look for your main power switch and plunge the building into darkness (it disorients them and may cause them to run away).
6. If you have a gun, registered or not, use it but only if you're sure you will do damage. This isn't the time for warning shots! Killing an intruder on your premises in defence of yourself and property is a legitimate legal defence. Same goes for the use of any other weapon e.g. knives.
7. When the robbers manage to enter give them whatever they want. Don't hide anything. Don't try to be a hero or to negotiate with them.
READ MORE: Another robbery in Tema, one person killed
8. Don't look at them directly (or don't let them see you doing so). If you know any of them don't show any signs of recognition and don't mention the person's name. However memorise whatever features you can to help with identification and investigation.
9. When they finally leave your house do not chase after them..
10. Be your neighbour's keeper and if you hear any breaks in at their house, call the police for assistance.
11. When robbers enter your compound, do not put on any light in your room. Put on the outside lights but keep the inside lights totally off so that the robbers do not see you.
12. Robbers can also use your tap, pumping machines or generating sets outside to attract you by either putting on or off as the case may be so that whenever you come to check, they will arrest you and use you to enter the house. So don't always be quick to come when such appliances went on or off.
13. Another new method is for them to be quarrelling and arguing among themselves and you may think it is from your neighbour and ones your come out to check, you are used to gain assess to the house.