The Director General at the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA) Paul Asare Ansah has been dismissed from his post.
According to Joy news reasons for Mr Ansah’s removal are not readily known. However, reports suggest that the dismissal was caused by a recent misunderstanding between workers' union of the Ports Authority and Board Chair, Peter Mac Manu.
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But the Board Chairman denied all the allegations and asked his lawyers to write to the leaders of the union demanding a retraction and apology, failure to which will make him sue them.
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Reports suggest that Mr Ansah was present at the press conference by the workers' union where the allegations against Mr Mac Manu were detailed, pitching him firmly against the Board Chairman who is a former Chairman of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP).
About Michael Achagwe Luguje
Mr. Luguje joined the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA) in Tema (Ghana) in January 1999 and has over 15 years' experience in the maritime transport industry.
He holds a B.A. Degree in French and Linguistics from the University of Ghana, MSc in Maritime Affairs (specializing in Port Management) from the World Maritime University (Sweden), and MBA in Project and Strategic Management from the Paris Graduate School of Management (France).