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6 tips on how to leave an abusive relationship

  • Acknowledge the abuse

Before you can end an abusive relationship, you need to acknowledge that your partner is, in fact, abusing you.

It's really difficult to do this, but please realize that your partner should never hurt you physically in any way. If he/she ever has, that means they are abusing you. They also shouldn't be emotionally abusing you by manipulating and controlling you. Acknowledge that something is wrong so you can fix it.

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  • Believe in yourself

You must motivate yourself and let your weakness be your strength.

. You need to know that you are strong enough to do this and that you deserve this. Love should be reciprocal, if you don’t love you enough then he or she doesn’t deserve your time.

You deserve better than someone you love hurting you, and you deserve a relationship where you are happy all the time, not scared or lonely.

  • Get help from a friend or family member

Ending an abusive relationship is not something you can do on your own. You need some loved ones by your side to encourage to stand up for yourself.

If you have a trusted friend or family member you can turn to, go to them. You are not the first victim of an abusive relationship. Don't be ashamed or embarrassed because this abuse was never your fault. Open up to family and friends - if they love you, they will help you. You someone by your side to help you make the right decisions.

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  • Plan it out

You need to plan carefully before your significant other suspects you are thinking of leaving him or her. If your partner is physically abusive or has threatened you before, you should communicate the info to them in your presence of your parents or mutual friends and go your separate ways.

If you are working, it is time to get very busy and get yourself a promotion. Those you are not working can embark on a project to develop their hidden passion.

  • Go somewhere you feel safe afterward

Even abusive people are human who gets hurt when they are brokenhearted. You will never know what they can do in that state. If your partner has been abusing you, they could come after you, or try to do something else equally horrible.

Travel to a destination where you will be safe and relax. Keep yourself surrounded by people who love you. I'm not saying you have to hide out, but you should just make sure you feel safe.

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  • Get the police involved if necessary

Don't be afraid to get the police involved if your ex-partner starts threatening you. It might be enough to scare this person off. Your safety is the most important thing here.

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