Treat every woman and every relationship differently. When a woman pulls away, it is important to figure out how things are going, how she feels, and if there is something that she holds in.
Women typically pull away in a relationship because of these of reasons listed below.
- You aren’t giving her enough attention
Every woman craves for attention. She wants to treat her every special especially when other ladies including your mother and sisters are around.
If you don’t give her enough attention, she intentionally pulls away to find out if you notice or care.
- She is afraid of a commitment
Simple law of physics, "like poles attract, unlike poles repel". If she isn’t ready to settle down and does where the relationship is heading towards, then she might just want to take a step back and think carefully about her next plan.
Contrary to what guys typically think, not every girl is worried about her biological clock or looking for the white picket fence and 2.5 kids. If she just isn’t quite ready to make it a “thing,” she might try and create distance to figure things out in her head.
- She has been hurt in the past
After being jilted thrice or more, most women don’t believe in the power. To them, love doesn’t exist, they only date for the fun of it, probably just for orgasm guaranteed dates.
Don’t expect her to be too eager to jump right back into heartache. The little voice inside of her is giving a caution signal that scares her off.
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- She doesn’t trust you
You act like a perfect gentleman but you think like the ladies men. You have a harem of women on social media and that scares her. She doesn’t trust you dude.
Whether you cheated on an ex, can’t let go of your ex, or can’t stop flirting with other girls, she doesn’t see you as her future husband.
When a woman pulls back, examine what you do that may drive her away.
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- She hasn’t gotten over a previous relationship
She needs to break loose of any ties with her ex-boyfriend before she runs into the arms of the next man on her list of possible suitors.
Give her some space, she isn’t over her previous relationship. Past intimate partners can reunite and be more in love than they once were. Give her time to figure out which relationship is real and what it is that she wants before she is all in.