“Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your handbrake on.” -- Maxwell Maltz
Let’s face it – most people don’t have perfect self-esteem. Too often, they look in the mirror criticizing everything from their body to their mind.
Self-confidence is something that you learn to build up because the challenging world of business, and life in general, can deflate it.
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- Stop caring what other people think
Why do we care so much about other people’s opinions, even those of total strangers? Sometimes, we don’t do the things we want to do, because we’re afraid of what others will think. It is better to try and fail than regret all your life.
- Stop comparing yourself to other people
Life is not a race. Family background, upbringing and career choices can influence who we become in future. Instead of comparing yourself to a rich couple in your church or society, strive to become the best in your own unique way and leave a legacy for the future generation.
- Visualize
One of the easiest ways to build self-confidence to visualize it. Research proves that visualization works for just about everything. So, visualize yourself feeling really good about yourself, work hard towards it and eventually, it will become reality through your determination and fortitude.
- Develop honest relationships
Choose your friends wisely because they have a positive or negative influence on your life. Hang around friends who are very supportive, reliable, open minded and resourceful to help you shape your life. Sometimes it’s easier to believe when we hear it come from someone else other than ourselves.
- Let go of the past
During your Junior High School days, classmates always teased you saying ‘you are a terrible dancer’, ‘you are not fit to be a leader’, ‘ you are a bad striker’ etc but deep within, you have a passion for those professions.
Let go of the past and give the world a reason to celebrate you every day. Everybody is entitled to their opinions but it is up to you change what people think about you. Let it go and look toward a positive future.
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- Seek support
When you are embracing on such a journey, find an expert who will hold your hands through every step of the way until you’re strong on your own.