With the holidays in haul, the best part for many during this festive season is getting together with family and friends and enjoying your favorite holiday treats.
Cookies, cake, and pizza can often be found at every turn when attending holiday festivities. Here are some tips that will help you to enjoy your holiday to the fullest while not increasing your waistline.
Pulse.com.gh brings to you 7 simple ways to stay in shape.
Try to eat more vegetables. Whether raw or cooked, they provide vitamins and minerals, and improve digestion. Cut out the fatty meats (especially in the evening) and replace them with vegetable proteins. Liven things up with some fish or eggs to make sure you get your amino acids.
Drink plenty of water and, if you can, opt for lime, lemon balm teas. As for fruit, pineapples are great for digestion and citrus fruits are full of vitamin C. There's no point bothering your body with a trendy diet that just makes you hungry!
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With cooler temperatures outside, it might be more difficult to get outside and be active. Try to incorporate time with family and friends by looking into an activity you can all enjoy.
Family walk moments are a big hit among many.. This can be a fun event not focused around food that allows you to spend time with those you love.
3.Stay hydrated
Salty foods, fizzy drinks, alcohol and late nights all play a role in the party season, so make sure to drink eight glasses of water a day so your body stays hydrated – plus it will keep your hair and skin looking healthy, perfect for any party look!
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4. Get enough beauty sleep
If you're running around and having too many late nights, your body won't be able to keep up. Make sure to get at least eight hours of sleep a day, for both your mental and physical well being.
5. Introduce high intensity trainingIntensive work out routines elevates metabolic function for up to six hours, which keeps you burning calories for longer. It also helps with building lean muscle, again very important for sky-rocketing your metabolism”