Are your double chin and chubby cheeks making you feel insecure about your looks? Fat on the face is a problem that’s hard to tame for many of us.
It’s tempting to look at your body and scrutinize every detail, focusing on the areas that you want to change most. For many, that area is your face and the weight you carry there. brings you 3 natural ways of losing face fat.
Trying exercises and tricks to slim the face
Try toning your face with facial exercises. You can exercise your face to make it look slimmer. This works by strengthening facial muscles, reducing saggy skin in the face.
Cut down on alcohol consumption
Alcohol intake can increase puffiness on the face, cause dehydration, and make you look bloated. Alcohol is also hugely fattening – after all, it packs in around seven calories per gram on average, making it similar to pure fat on the calories scale. Cut down on your intake and it should help you lose some weight overall – including on your face.
Cut back on sugar
Ingesting too much sugar can cause your blood sugar to stay elevated, making it harder for your body to shed extra weight. Increasing your protein and healthy fat intake and choosing high quality, unprocessed carbs that are high in fiber can help make your meals more satisfying. It will also help balance out the effect your meals have on your blood sugar.