An incredible moment was captured on camera when a Renault Megane was spotted dripping in Italy.
According to MailOnline, John Westbrook, the British tourist who recorded the incident, was astonished.
"The car was parked parallel to the beach and had been there for a few days - it was just the pure heat of the sun beating down on it that made it melt. We drove past and just couldn't believe what we were seeing. Bits of the car were literally dripping off on to the road. Even bits of the bumper were melted and the wing mirrors were starting to buckle.'I guess the moral of the story is don't trust French cars. As soon as you walk out of the hotel it's like walking into an oven."
He said that he took the pictures while on vacation with his wife, Joanne, 45, and son Robbie, 21, adding that the high temperatures forced them to spend most of the daytime indoors.
According to data gotten from the environmental agency in Italy, the high temperatures have killed 140 pensioners in just the first ten days of July this year.
People have been warned to take precautions against the heat, and farm animals have been given air conditioning.
Watch the video below to see the unfortunate car.