When cooking a dish like assorted fried rice or minced beef stew, you are required to finely chopped meat. You need to know how to mince like a chef to avoid chopping off your finger. In order to mince, you’ll first need a sharp knife and chopping board to dice.
Select a large sharp knife for cutting the meat.
Place the meat on a cutting board.
Cut, or dice, the meat into small cubes. Aim for cubes that are about 1/4-inch.
Hold the knife with one hand and place your other hand on top of the blade to steady it.
Place the top end of the blade on your cutting board and mince the cubes into smaller pieces by rocking the blade back and forth.
The natural curve of the knife blade will aid in this technique. While performing this technique, the top end of the blade should not leave the cutting surface.
Instead, the back end of the blade should be doing all of the cutting as you rock the knife.
Mince the meat into the smallest pieces possible.