Two passengers onboard a Sydney train in New South Wales were captured in a video recording angrily punching each other in the face with bare fists, while other passengers looked on unconcerned.
The two men wrestled in the train for a while and dramatically hugged each other to signify end of the fight. Before the dramatic hug, one of them is quoted as telling the other, “Look you had a crack at me first. This is not how I intended my night to go … I’m trying to get home, I have work in the morning. If you don’t mean it, I don’t mean it.”
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It is not clear what exactly triggered the fisticuffs.
The video became viral on social media after it was first posted on Facebook by one Judith Aku-Wei Winter who apparently was equally onboard the train and witnessed the entire development.
She posted the video on Facebook with the inscription, “The Train fight that ended with a hug.”