One of Africa’s fast-growing animation studios, AnimaxFYB has officially been launched in Ghana.
Founded in Ghana, AnimaxFYB Studios is one of Africa’s pioneering animation outfits. It has made headway in bringing Ghanaian and African animation to global audiences.
Its founder Francis Y Brown has produced a number of short films including popular 2015 animation film Agorkoli.
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Speaking to, Francis Y. Brown said ‘AnimaxFYB Studios is poised to make an impact on the world market.’
“When you ask people to think about animated entertainment and Africa, and what will spring to mind for most of them is ‘The Lion King’ – the Walt Disney animated feature film about a pride of lions created in Hollywood.
However, Africa is home to a growing number of its own animators. This nascent industry, while dwarfed by a global animation industry worth in excess of $220bn, is proving to be popular across the continent and is beginning to make global inroads.
The success of animated films such as ‘The Lion King’ and ‘Madagascar’ suggests that properties with African themes can have significant potential with global audiences.
To date, such properties have come out of Hollywood rather than Africa and AnimaxFYB Studios is poised to make an impact on the world market.
In fact, a couple of projects are currently in pre-production stages as earlier indicated produced in Ghana, with African themes. The rapid advancement of technology has made computer animation available to the masses and the animation industry is one of the fastest growing industries.
In Africa, statistics only show prominent individuals making strides with animation. Google anything on animation and this is what pops up.”
Discussing the biggest threat facing the animation business and AnimaxFYB Studios, Francis noted that funding and lack of proper structures are some of the threats facing the growing industry.
“The biggest threat facing AnimaxFYB Studios is basically funding for projects and proper structures governing filmmaking.
In Ghana, we don’t have proper film board with it necessary structures. This makes it very hard to secure co-production deals from other countries and continents.
The art of filmmaking has been cheapened to so many lower standards. We believe we all need is to be under one unit which is Ghana Academy of Film Television and Arts (GAFTA) as the accredited academy to spearhead the agenda of film and television.
With this, there can be some sort of structures laid down to improve the film industry which AnimaxFYB is no exception.”
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When asked if AnimaxFYB Studios can stand the test of time, Francis stated that “AnimaxFYB Studios has gone a long way of researching into how best to manoeuvre its way out of the choked system of the Ghana filmmaking loop wholes and business.
It’s quite unfortunate that we as a new age studio have come to meet lots of standing blocks but through our determinations and resilience, we are focused on making the animation sector in Ghana a viable business field.
The road we know will definitely be tough but we are prepared to ride the waves. We constantly seek to improve what we do and adapt to the changing environment so that our customers can get their services faster and with ease. We hold ourselves to a high level of integrity and social responsibility while working closely with our customers to provide uncompromising personalized customer service.
New audiences demand new ways to produce and deliver content we are committed to helping our customers and their businesses reach their fullest potential.
Around each series of content, we will create transmedia content and different ways to engage with it. We will generate communities of fans and make our content liquid and scalable from day one. We have a vision ‘To make people happy’ with our core values in leadership with a collaboration that creates a win-win by being proactive with integrity and mastery, developing relationships through creativity, community, growth, and fun self-expression.”
He envisaged that AnimaxFYB Studios will become ‘the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information in authentic African stories.’
“AnimaxFYB is a creative hub for ideas generation and execution. We create a series of content. Pieces that will vary in length and are part of a bigger idea or concept.
The Mission of AnimaxFYB Studios Limited is to be the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information in authentic African stories.
Using our portfolio of brands to differentiate our content, services and consumer products, we seek to develop the most creative, innovative and profitable entertainment experiences and related products in the world from Africa, Ghana,” he concluded.
The ceremony was graced by Marigold Akufo-Addo, the sister of the president of Ghana Nana Akufo-Addo, the press and popular animators in and outside Ghana.