The Ghana Railway Workers Union have planned to embark on a nationwide strike action come September 12, 2016.
This, the Union says, is to press home demand for better conditions of service, as several petitions to the Transport Ministry on the issue have been neglected.
Godwill Ntarmah, General Secretary of the Railway Workers Union, says workers have been directed to display red banners in the build-up to the strike on Monday.
“So far, we have not heard from any quarter as to what is being done but we are sticking to our red bands, we are working normally if by the weekend we don’t hear anything, then on Monday the passenger trains will not move,” he said in a statement.
Mr. Ntarmah added that the workers have been displaying red bands since September 1, in an attempt to get the attention of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transport, but to no avail.
“There is nothing we can do now apart from getting what we want. We even think we have gone beyond talking. Railway workers need their salaries. Schools have just reopened and we think this is the best time,” he said.
“Unfortunately you know the state of the railway now. We don’t generate enough revenue and so management is finding it difficult to pay July and august salary. So we feel that for now we should push hard and get money from the Ministry of Finance,” he said.