Women with oily skin are always searching for answers in various cosmetic shops. Never did they know, their diet plays an important role in the composition of their skin.
"You are what you eat" as the experts say. Everything you eat becomes a part of not only your inner being, but the outer fabric of your body as well. The healthier the foods are that you consume, the better your skin will look.
Here are foods you should avoid if you have oily skin
1. Deep fried foods
If you love snacking on deep fried food or junk food, your skin is bound to be oily. The saturated and trans fats that you eat, push your skin glands to secrete more oil, making your skin oily.
2. Red meat
Red meat is also rich in trans fat that increase oil secretion in your skin, making you're more prone to an acne breakout. Limit you red meat content and replace it with poultry or fish.
3. Diary products
Milk and dairy products too can make your skin oily and increase your risk of an acne breakout. A study published in the journal Dermatoendocrinol, dairy products contain hormones that tend to clog pores, making the skin more oily.
4. Sugary food and drinks
These include candy, beverages, flavoured milk, sodas and packaged fruit juices. Sweet food tends to alter your blood glucose levels that lead to an increased oil production, making your skin more oily.
5. Carbohydrate rich food
Bread, cereal, pasta and other products made from refined flour can make your skin oily. All these foods have a high glycemic index that tends to increase oil production in the skin.