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Legumes as a source of essential protein

Plants, such as legumes and tubers, also provide significant amounts of protein in the diet.

While meat and dairy products are typically considered the best sources of

Although normally considered “incomplete” sources of protein as they do not contain all 9 essential amino acids the body need, this does not necessarily make them inferior.

SPONSOREDHealthy Living Africa: Essential protein for 'essential amino acids'

Adding some variety to your choice of plant based proteins will ensure you get all the essential amino acids you need.

Legumes include beans, peas, lentils, and peanuts.

An important bean in widespread use as a source of protein is the soybean.


SPONSORED:  Find out more about how Nestle is promoting healthy living in Africa here http://www.nestle-cwa.com/en/nhw/hla-english

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